Buyer Blogs

Stand Out From the Crowd to Find Your Dream Home

Stand Out From the Crowd to Find Your Dream Home

If you use property portals to search for you new, dream home, then you’re not alone. In fact almost everyone searches for property this way. Have you ever found a property that meets your EXACT criteria, only to see that someone has got there first and it is sold?...

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A Complete Guide to Downsizing

A Complete Guide to Downsizing

If you are downsizing your current home, there is so much more to consider than you could possibly imagine! Many stages of adult life brings about logical and compelling reasons to downsize. While no downsizing move is ever easy, both physically and emotionally, there...

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Choosing the Most Suitable Home For You

Choosing the Most Suitable Home For You

You've made the decision! You're finally going to buy your first home, or you are looking to move to pastures new. There are a lot of considerations to take into account when assessing the necessary criteria to meet your own personal requirements - not just now, but...

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