Seller Blogs

Should I Sell my Home Before I Offer on a New One?
You've decided that you want to move home but should you start looking for a new property before or after you've agreed on a sale of your current one? In this article we look at the options available to you and why it is really important to be as 'proceedable' as...

Follow the ‘Four P’s’ to Achieve Your Home Sale
Our team have been selling homes for years and we know what essentials are required to ensure a quick, efficient sale for the best price and to the most suitable buyer. These elements are the 'Four P's'; Preparation, Partners, Presentation and Price. Here, we look at...

A Guide to Mortgages for Buyers and Homemovers
The majority of those looking to get on the property ladder will need to take out a mortgage to buy their home. In this article we look at everything you need to know about the mortgage process, the different types of mortgages and how to find the deal that suits your...

A Complete Guide to Buying Your New Home
Buying a home is often the largest purchase you will ever make. You need the right information, at the right time, to ensure you make informed decisions. You can cut down on your stress levels and speed up the process by knowing which questions to ask, what your...